March 2007
- March 14th at 6:30pm ~ Chapter Meeting. Location: TBA
- March 17th & 18th ~ Christiane Noelting Clinic. Location: Avalon Friesians. Contact: Ellen Bjorkman at 544-7821 or Victoria Myer at 378-7403. To fill out the registration form online: AvalonFriesians. Closing date to sign up: March 9th.
- April 5th - 8th ~ CDI*** Golden State Festival at Rancho Murieta. Visit Golden State Dressage for more information.
- April 28th & 29th ~ SNC-CDS Show. Judge: Fran Dearing 'S'. Location: Clover Leaf Equestrian Center.
If you have time, please take a look at the calendar page of the web site. We have added several new clinics to the calendar!!
During all this snowy weather I had some time to catch up on some reading and I was surprised by some of the news from the USEF Convention article by Connie Davenport in this months edition of "Dressage Letters". Connie did an excellent job summarizing her take of the meeting if you have a chance to read it.
If you havent had a chance to read it yet, one of the things that really stood out was the Dressage committees' plan to have riders qualify to be allowed to show Third Level and above. They are still working out the criteria but have hopes to have something implemented by December 1, 2008. Connie does mention in the article that there are ways to be grandfathered in via USDF Rider Medals and the like and encourages riders that are close to achieving such medals to do so immediately.
She also reports that a score of 58% at the highest test of the level will be needed to pre-qualify for entering freestyle classes and will have to be earned at a competition prior to the one in which the freestyle is being ridden.
Needless to say its a worthwhile article. It emphasizes the need to review the rules again before we start the show year.
April Show and Junior Benefit Tack Sale
Spring is on its way along with the start of our 2007 show season. The prize list and entry forms for the April show are now up on the web site and ready. Along with this comes our usual reminders to please fill out your forms COMPLETELY with all signatures, include your payment and copies of your cards. Here's wishing everyone a fun and successful show season!
A Junior/Young Rider benefit tack sale will be held during the April show on Saturday and Sunday. If you have tack items, or horsey related items you would like to donate, please contact Cindy to set up a drop off time and place.
Junior members who would like to volunteer to help out at the tack sale, should also contact Cindy.
The Juniors have already added $100 to coffers from the concessions sales at the recent Avalon Friesians clinic. Thank you to Troy Christensen, Danielle Ballard, Rachael Gazes, Stacey Ballard (Danielle's mom), Cindy Hoonhout and Tish Hicksted (A/A members) who volunteered at the concessions stand during the clinic. Thank you also goes out to Avalon Friesians for allowing us to offer concessions during the clinic!
Spring Education ~ Upcoming events
Our first SNC Education event for the season will be a Bio-Mechanics clinic with Shelley Edwards.
Shelley's focus is developing riders and horses using the understanding of biomechanics. For any rider in any discipline, the ability to control ones own body in order to influence the body of the horse is paramount. Otherwise, the ability of the horse to perform is compromised. Understanding how your own body works helps you become a rider rather than a passenger. Understanding how the horse's body performs allows the rider to encourage rather than demand performance.
The clinic will be held May 5th & 6th at Avalon Friesians. Cost is $130 (includes both days). For more information, please contact Victoria.
Show Volunteers
We are currently looking for show managers for the July show for 2007. We have enlisted Connie's help again this year and need a local SNC-CDS member to be on site. Please contact any board member if you are interested in helping out!
We'd also like to get an early start on helpers for Dressage in the Sierra. The show will be a 2-part show this year with Friday being a separate show from Saturday and Sunday. So we're going to need all the help we can get! Please let us know if you're willing to help out.
2007 Calendar
Please check out the 2007 calendar! We've added several new clinics including the upcoming Christiane Noelting clinic, a bio-mechanics clinic with Shelley Edwards in May and also a Jec Aristotle Ballou clinic in May.
We would like to add your clinics or events to the 2007 calendar. Please contact Michele at if you have an event we can add. This is a great way to get the information out to the membership.
Sad Goodbye
We are saddened to report the passing of founding SNC member and original Board Member, Ann Richter. Ann passed away in early January. Upon her death she requested that rather than donations, people practice random acts of kindness.
If anyone has any interesting stories or information for inclusion in the newsletter please submit it to Write to me with some of your personal stories that you would like to share.
Director of Newsletters,
Michele Ting