January 2004
Hello everyone!
Hopefully everyone had a nice holiday season and is enjoying the snow! We thought we should send out a winter "hello" and let everyone know what was in the works for the chapter. At the end of last year the SNC CDS chapter web page (www.snc-cds.com) was created. In addition to the information posted on the web page it was also decided that on-line announcements would be sent out periodically to those who wished to receive chapter related information. So before we get too much further, if you know of someone who is NOT receiving these on-line emails, who would like to, please have them contact us at rohirrim@charter.net and we will add them to our news-list. If you are receiving these emails and you would like to unsubscribe, please send an email to us and let us know.
Now onto business!
Please mark your calendars for the January meeting at Susan Ward's house! The meeting will be Monday January 12th at 6:30. Please see the web site for details.
The web site calendar has been updated with meeting dates through August 2004. Please check out the dates and try to come! We will send out monthly reminders about the meetings as they come up along with location and agenda details.
A "Classifieds" section has been added to the web site. If you wish to place a classified add please send a payment and copy of your ad to: SNC-CDS Treasurer PO Box 2637, Carson City, NV 89702. Email the ad to: rohirrim@charter.net Ads are $10/month and pictures are welcome.
If you have news to share with the group, please let us know and we will post it to the site!
Finally, a BIG thanks goes out to Beth Curle for hosting the SNC-CDS Christmas party and Hay ride!! It was a blast. Everyone enjoyed the food, puppies, hay rides, and a good time with friends. Thank you Beth!
Newly Elected Board of Directors for 2004Chairperson: Susan Ward
Director of Treasury: John at Joan's office will take care of the chapter's books until a Director of Treasury can be recruited
Director of Communications: Steve amd Michele Ting
Director of Shows: Joan Wright
Director of Education: Laura Gregersen, if she accepts
Director of Activities: Madeline Zook
Director of Junior Membership: Lou Christensen
Hope to see you at the January meeting!
Steve and Michele - SNC CDS Directors of Communication 2004