Meeting Minutes 2009
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Meeting Minutes January 14, 2009

Came to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Beth C., Michele T., Joan W., Hilari F., Stacee C., Holly M., Jacqueline L., Mary Anne C.

2009 Board of Directors

The 2009 BOD was established and is as follows:

It was discussed and agreed upon (after reviewing the CDS By-Laws) that the "Director of Junior Membership" title would be changed to "Director of Membership" and would become more of a communications position by the Board. This position was combined with Education this year and Hilari, Holly and Stacee will be the Directors.

Treasurers Report

Joan reported that the year end total for 2008 was (positive) $3,679.89. This meets our goal of keeping a positive balance and cushion coming into the new year. She reported that Show Bucks have all expired and will no longer be accepted and that we did have a good ribbon inventory coming into 2009.

Joan will be the SNC representative at the Annual Meeting this year and asked the Board if we had any issues we'd like her to bring up if the opportunity allowed. It was suggested that the issue of location for Northern Championships again be brought up. The majority of SNC members have expressed a strong preference towards MEC (or a facility in that area) rather than Woodside due to travel and traffic. Beth also suggested bringing up the qualifying dates for RAAC and show location as well.

CDS Basket

The 2009 CDS Basket was discussed and it was agreed that rather than ask for donations from the membership, the club would provide an allowance for items for the basket. Joan agreed to put the basket together and take it with her to the meeting. Everyone agreed on a budget of $150-$200. Holly donated a vest from Dover.

A/A Clinic

The 2009 A/A Clinic will be April 23rd-26th at Sporthorse America in Santa Rosa. CDS has stated that selection criteria for attendants cannot include "eligibility criteria" such as volunteer time etc. Therefore, it was decided that an announcement about the clinic will go out to the group with names of interested SNC members being submitted to Hilari. At the February meeting, the names of interested amateur SNC members will be placed into a hat and the participant selected by drawing. The clinic fee is covered by the chapter, but the rider is responsible for transportation, lodging, meals and stabling of their horse.

Spring Newsletter

Jacqueline brought an example newsletter for the board to review and layout and content were discussed. She will be working on putting together and sending out a hard copy newsletter in the next couple of weeks.

2009 Show Facilities and discussion

April Show

The April show will be held at Meadowview. Stabling will be through Lynn Mullins. The ring fee will be $10/horse/day. We will still need ring set up and take down. MAC stated that UNR should still be available to help out as they have at past shows. We may need to limit lunging time again this year to 15-20 minutes to ensure that everyone has access to lunging.

July Show

The July Show (DITS) will be held at Franktown Meadows. Stabling will be through Lynn Garnett. The ring fee will be $10/RIDE. Rather than have a wine tasting this year we will be hosting a brunch so that people can come and watch the upper level riders show.

August Show

There was a fair bit of discussion about the location of the August show. The Board agreed that it would like to explore new venues for the SNC shows and two "new" options were brought to the table, Maplewood and Fuji Park. After much discussion, it was agreed by all that our August show location would be Fuji Park. Joan researched cost and feasibility and stated she would be willing to assist in arena set up/tear down and some barn management duties. MAC thought that UNR could help out as well. Stabling fees will continue to be ironed out as shavings are currently NOT included in the Fuji stabling fees. There will be more details to come.

Stacee will inventory the ribbons and MAC will look into coffee mugs for prizes this year. Holly showed the Board a mug she had won that was really nice and it was agreed that we would try to get something similar.

It was unanimously agreed that class fees would increase by $3 across the board for 2009. There will be no increase in office fees.

UNR Show

MAC stated that UNR was wanting to have a May show this year. Dates were discussed and MAC stated that she would talk to Linda V. and get back to the Board regarding SNC Sponsorship and date confirmation.

Michael Etherly Clinics for 2009

Stacee announced that the Michael E. Clinics for 2009 would be:

Each clinic will have a Saturday night BBQ (locations above) open to the membership. Rides are $110/ride which includes a $10 ring fee. Sign ups are first come, first serve and interested members must notify Stacee AND send in payment PRIOR to being scheduled to ride. Chapter members will be given first priority.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.


Meeting Minutes February 11th, 2009

Came to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Beth C., Michele T., Hilari F., Stacee C., Holly M., Jacqueline L., Mary Anne C. (Absent: Joan)

Treasurer's Report No change from last month.

Joan informed Beth that the CDS Annual Meeting had very low attendance and consisted primarily of the CDS Board and Chapter Chairs or their representatives. The SNC basket was sold for its value.


The Michael Etherly Clinics still have openings. There are 2 paid rides so far.


The following is a current ribbon count done by Stacee.

Junior Ribbons:

Regular Ribbons (Long Version):

Regular Ribbons (Short Version):

Trophies have been ordered by Mac. An order of 100 will be made. High point A/A, Open and Junior riders will be given one photo per day by Donna B. This photo opportunity will have an expiration date of 11/1/09.

Mac stated she would contact Paulette for emt coverage for the April show. She also offered to house the April judge. The TD is a local person. Mac will email the yahoogroup asking for members to host judges for the July and August show which would help decrease cost in this area.

It was discussed that food doesnt have to be for sale. Muffins will be brought to the April show and Holly offered to pick them up and bring them. Mac will bring bottled water.

It was suggested by Mac that the chapter make a trade in which the fees we would normally pay the UNR team for helping out at the April show be exchanged for UNR's SNC Sponsorship fee for their May show as well as their use of the dressage arena for that show. This was voted on and agreed to by all.

Amatuer Clinic Update

Since there was only one responce to the A/A clinic notice sent out earlier, it was agreed that we would hold off chosing the SNC representative attending the A/A Clinic until the March meeting.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:30pm


Meeting Minutes March 11th, 2009

Came to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Joan W., Beth C., Michele T., Hilari F., Stacee C., Holly M., Jacqueline L., Mary Anne C., and Midora.

Treasurers Report

Joan announced that we have $3,800 in the bank. This amount does include $800 pd for M.E. Clinics coming up. It is a lower balance than the chapter would like to hold at this time of year but still a good start.

Annual Meeting

Joan discussed her experience at the Annual Meeting this year. Overall the attendance was very low but some good ideas came from other Chapter Chairs to increase member participation including:

CDS suggested that they would like our comments on the CDS website. They also suggested chapters have a Chairperson blog. CDS is also pushing for fox village software for horse shows.

It was discussed that MEC has made some major upgrades to their facility including enlarging their indoor arena, better tractors and drags, and improvements to the stalls and lower arenas as well.

Joan announced that per CDS, volunteerism CAN be a criteria for the A/A Clinic.

Amateur Clinic

Hilari announced that she had received only two emails from people interested in the A/A Clinic. Both names were placed into a drawing and Lesley Grove's name was selected to be the SNC representative this year with Sarah Powell as the alternate.


Stacee announced that three rides were still needed each day for the Michael Etherly clinic in May. She stated that when she had all the clinic entries in she would do a bio for each horse and rider that would be in the clinic. Auditing is encouraged.

April Show

Insurance is in to USEF and they have a copy of the prize list. Mac has ordered the mugs. Arena set up was discussed and volunteer names taken by Mac.


Beth announced that the RAAC committee has asked the SN Chapter to host in 2010 however they want us to host at MEC. This was discussed at length and agreed upon by all that we would be willing to host RAAC locally but not at MEC.

UNR Show

Mac announced that the UNR show judge will be Creeky Routson 'S' and they will be having a clinic the day following the show. She will be working on the prize list and entries and sent them to Michele for posting to the website.

Meeting adjourned at 8pm. Next Chapter meeting April 8th at 6:30pm at Hilari's house.


Meeting Minutes April 8th, 2009

Came to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Beth C., Michele T., Hilari F., Stacee C., Holly M., Susan W., Marlene, and Midora.

Absent: Joan, Mac, and Jacqueline

Treasurer's Report

No treasurer's report at this meeting.

April Show

Connie felt the show was filling well but there were no numbers available as of this meeting.


Holly stated that she is in the process of selling her ring to Ellen and Kathi at MV. It's hoped to use this ring for the show. The ring has some broken sides to it however and the Board is concerned about whether or not they would be replaced prior to the show. There is interest on their part to have SNC set the arena up for the show with no tear down after.

There was a fair bit of discussion about this and the general consensus was that we would form a set up and tear down committee as though we were bringing the SNC arena so that we would be prepared if Holly's arena sale and set up at MV werent done before the show. Set up committee: Beth, Troy, Midora, Jacqueline, Stacee, and Hilari. Tear Down: Susan, Maybe UNR and Troy, and Jacqueline

Holly stated that she would follow up with Ellen and Kathi to find out if they will have the ring in place.

It was announced that MV has installed new footing in all their arenas. Beth stated she had spoken with Lynn Mullins about the facility management portion of the show in regards to last year and felt that the conversation was positive. Lynn informed her that she has had some inquiries for stabling. Her daughter Sara will be the contact for all show needs. The rings will be watered and dragged Friday night, Saturday lunch, Saturday PM, and Sunday lunch. MV will take care of trash removal and supply manure remvoval for the parking lot.


A host is still needed for Connie and Mary Grace. Beth will ask Joan about hosting. Holly stated that Barbara O'Brien was interested in helping and she would get Mac her information.


Beth passed around the logo that will be on the glassware. Mugs are in and ribbons ready for the show.


Holly will be going to Costco and picking up apples, carrots, muffins, water, wraps, snacks and chips.


Scribe postions were filled and Beth announced that the Vet, Farrier and EMT  were all taken care of and in place.


Stacee announced that the May clinic was almost full. There are still 2 open positions for Saturday and 1 open position for Sunday.

It was also announced that CDS allows for qualifications for the A/A clinic and SNC will be implementing criteria for the 2010 selection of A/A Clinic participants. SNC criteria to be considered for selection to got to the A/A clinic will be that the member:

  1. Be a current SNC Board member
  2. Have been an SNC Board member in the past 3 years
  3. Bet an ACTIVE volunteer at SNC shows (scribe, transport of show officials, host, etc. for at least one full day of the show year).


Beth will contact FTM to see if their June show will be SNC recognized.

Next chapter meeting: May 13, 2009 at 6:30pm at Hilari's house.

Meeting adjourned at 7:20pm.


Meeting Minutes June 10th, 2009

Came to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Beth C., Michele T., Hilari F., Stacee C., Holly M., Jacqueline L., Mary Anne C.

Absent: Joan W.

Treasurer's Report

The club has $5,082.77 in the bank after subtracting $220 held for the Etherley August clinic.

We need to buy ribbons for the rest of the show year and start to get recognitions for 2010 paid for. We should anticipate that all of the shows will be undersubscribed by 20-25%.

Ribbons have been ordered for the next 2 shows. There will be a high point for each day with ribbons for A/A, Jr, Open and the combined high point (photo from Donna).

Dressage in the Sierra

We will have a "Breakfast on the Green" at Dressage in the Sierra on July 18th & 19th. "Breakfast on the Green" is an opportunity chapter members to come together and watch upper level and freestyle rides while enjoying a continental style breakfast of simple pastries, bagels, fruit, etc and coffee for competitors, show officials, and spectators.

It was discussed that we would not have a program for DITS this year due to finances. This would allow us to keep costs down. We will not be actively pursueing sponsorships for DITS this year either, again due to the economy. This was voted on and agreed upon unanimously by all who attended the meeting.



Stacee announced that the August Micheal Etherly clinic still had rides available. The clinic is scheduled for August 1st & 2nd.

There was discussion about education for 2010. We would like to host a big name clinic such as a "Through the Levels" clinic with an emphasis on audtiting as well as riding in the clinic. Dates were discussed but not finalized. Several names were also discussed for clinicians.

Next chapter meeting: July 8th, 2009 at 6:30pm at Hilari's house.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm


Meeting Minutes July 8th, 2009

Came to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Beth C., Michele T., Hilari F., Stacee C., Holly M., Jacqueline L., Susan W., Joan W.

Absent: Mary Anne C.

Treasurer's Report

The club has $5,082.77 in the bank which is no change from last month.

Ammendment to treasurers report 7/15/09: Posted to the Board via email by Joan.

We have $3,771.93, $1,100 of which are Michael Etherly Clinic fees for August. Making a net asset of $2,671.93. Note, however, that this figure is AFTER paying the deposit and facility fees for the August show, ribbons and trophies for DITS and August Show.


Stacee reported that the August Michael Etherly clinic still had 4 openings for Saturday August 1st and 1 opening for Sunday, August 2nd. There was some discussion among those present at the meeting that some rides may be picked up closer to the clinic. Beth stated that she was the dinner host for Saturday night and that she would take care of lunches and snacks as well.


The original plan for newsletters this year was to submit 2 newsletters to the membership. One in spring and the other in the fall. There was discussion about whether or not to make the fall newsletter a hard copy vs an online newsletter only. It was decided that we would create a survey for the membership. The survey will be given to members at the DITS show. Members will be asked if they would be willing to pay a small fee for a hardcopy newsletter (to help defray printing and postage). It was discussed that the next newsletter should be sent out after Championships and include a wrap up of the show season.

Other survey ideas included asking members about clinician ideas or other types of clinics/education events they would like to see. Joan also asked if we could poll the membership to find out if anyone was planning to go to the WEG in 2010. Beth stated that she would create a survey sheet.

There was some misc. discussion about ways to increase meeting attendance by members. Susan stated that in the past, having a pot luck or an educational event seemed to improve member attendance. Susan stated that she had some dvd's she just received that we might be able to use for a September meeting event.

TD Report from April Show

Beth read the TD report from the April show. The TD gave a very nice review and stated her only 2 concerns were that there was no seating or very limited seating for spectators and that it was somewhat congested between the warm up arena and the show ring. Otherwise, she thought the show went very well.

Dressage in the Sierra

No word from Connie yet on the number of entries. The closing date for the show is tomorrow. Beth, Hilari and Michele will meet on Friday the 17th to set up ribbons, trophies, the easy up, tables and chairs and put out flowers. Joan stated she would like to help scribe and would let MAC know.

August Show

Joan reported that the footing at Fuji park has been addressed and rocks have been cleared from the arena. She stated that the stabling looked fabulous with very nice stalls. Susan pointed out that some members were unaware that stabling was offered at the August show and that an email notifying members of stabling availability would be helpful. It was agreed by all to send out an email after DITS to avoid confusion between the two shows.

2010 Clinic ideas

Beth announced that she had been in contact with Courtney King-Dye regarding a possible SNC CDS symposium next year. She stated that the cost to have her here was $2000/day plus travel expenses. She stated that Courtney gives 8 45-minute lessons/day and could also add a lecture session in the evening.

We discussed that we would like a clinic that is a symposium "through the levels" with possibly 2 riders in each Training level through Second level and then one rider in the levels above Second. The symposium would be such that auditors would be engaged in the learning experience and there would be some fee to audit. Nearby chapters would be invited as well. Joan suggested using the Pavillion at LEC which was well received.

Next chapter meeting: August 12th at 6:30pm at Holly's house.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.


Meeting Minutes August 12th, 2009

Came to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Beth C., Michele T., Hilari F., Stacee C., Holly M., Jacqueline L., Mary Anne C., Joan W.

Treasurer's Report

Joan reported that the club has $4,668.76 after paying all our bills, deducting the money being held for the September Etherley Clinic and not including a credit for our security deposit for the August Show.


Stacee reported that the September Michael Etherly clinic looked like it would be full but only one person had paid thus far.

2010 Clinic

Beth stated that she was still attempting to contact Courtney King regarding possible clinic dates for next year. June seems to be the best month for the clinic provided the dates dont overlap the FTM show. Beth stated she would follow up again at the next meeting. Other clinicians that may be considered are Jeff Moore and Debbie McDonald.


The newsletter was discussed at length. The general consensus among the Board was to send out another hard copy newsletter sometime between November and December. Topics for the newsletter included SNC Year End Awards, holiday party information, an article by Susan W. on "economical showing", BOD slate for 2010, and the 2010 clinic ideas we've been discussing.

August Show

Arrangements were made for arena set up with everyone meeting at the storage at 10am to collect the arena, judges stand and miscellaneous supplies. Beth and Hilari stated they would meet everyone at noon at Fuji. Mac stated that volunteers were set.

There are no numbers available at this time for entries.

2010 Show Season

The 2010 show season was discussed. The April show judge will be Fran Dearing with the LEC Pavillion as a possible location. The July show will be with Louise Koch tentatively at FTM and the August show will be with Angela Littlefield tentatively at Fuji Park.

Next chapter meeting: September 9th at 6:30pm at Hilari's house.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.


Meeting Minutes October 14th, 2009

Came to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Beth C., Michele T., Hilari F., Stacee C., Holly M., Jacqueline L., Mary Anne C.

Absent: Joan W.

Pumpkin Roll

The 2009 P. Roll is being hosted by SNC. The show will be held at FTM. Beth sent out an announcement for folks to bring a potluck item to the show to be shared. It was discussed that the show was pretty well set. Awards were in place from previous years and Beth said that she would also be doing cocoa mugs w/ candy. There are enough left over ribbons for the show as well. There will be no accomodation fee for the judge b/c she has chosen to come over the day of the show. Beth said that she would do the show set up on Friday.

2009 SNC Year End Awards

Madora has sent out a "preliminary standings" spread sheet for the 2009 SNC Year End Awards. The sheet was passed around at the meeting but it was decided that we would wait to post the final version until after the Pumpkin Roll show so that scores from that should would be tallied in to complete the results for the 2009 season.

It was discussed that open riders should also be included in the SNC Year End awards. They are not eligible under the current rules. Michele motioned, Hilari seconded and the rest of the group voted in agreement that we would change the rules for 2010 to include Open riders competing on their OWN horse for eligibility to compete for 2010 SNC year end awards. Open riders competing on a horse, other than their own, are NOT eligible. All of the same rules will apply to open riders as they do to A/A and Junior riders.

2010 Show Business

Hilari announced that Ellen Bjorkman stated that she would be the liason for SNC and the Mullens' for the 2010 April show at Meadow View. MAC announced that Fiona had agreed to TD this show in 2010 as well.

The July show judge will be Mary Grace Davidson.

The August show location was discussed at length. Many people stated that they liked the Fuji Park location because its a different venue, has great stabling and parking and office space. Several people stated that they had heard complaints from members about the location, proximity to traffic, smaller warm up and footing.

It was decided that we would do a survey at the holiday party asking members about show location preferences.

2009 Holiday Party

The holiday party will be held December 5th from 4pm to 7pm at Hilari's house. The party will be potluck style/byob. SNC Year End Awards will be announced at the party.

Fall Newsletter

Jacqueline reviewed her plans for the fall newsletter. It was agreed by all that we would wait until after the Pumpkin Roll and the final results for the SNC Year End Awards were ready before mailing out the newsletter.

2010 Clinic

There was a very long discussion about the 2010 clinic. The original idea for this clinic was to bring in a big name clinician and do a "through the levels" type clinic with a heavy emphasis on auditing. The chapter had inquired into clinic cost for Courtney King-Dye and into a "through the levels" clinic. Beth shared that the per day cost for CKD was $2500. This amount would not include travel expenses. In addition, the clinic would be 8 riders with the same riders riding both days. So essentially only 8 people would be able to ride in the clinic. The cost to each of those 8 riders would be ~ $625 unless expenses could be defrayed through scholarship or fund raising. The hope would be that auditing would cover the cost of travel expenses.

Many of the Board members expressed concern that the cost per ride would be so high and with only 8 rider slots available, very limiting. After much discussion, it was agreed that we would put out a member survey about clinics for 2010 to see what the membership wanted.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm.

Next chapter meeting, November 11th at 6:30pm at Holly's house.
